Hoe werd China vroeger genoemd?

Hoe werd China vroeger genoemd?

De Chinezen zelf hanteerden als officiële naam: Keizerrijk van de Grote naam-van-de-dynastie, bijvoorbeeld: Keizerrijk van de Grote Ming. De dagelijkse naam was en is voor Chinezen Zhōngguó (vereenvoudigd Chinees: 中国; traditioneel Chinees: 中國; pinyin: Zhōngguó).

Wie riep Volksrepubliek China?

70 jaar communistische Volksrepubliek in China: de metamorfose van een land. Op 1 oktober 1949 riep de communistische leider Mao Zedong in Peking de nieuwe Volksrepubliek uit en begon een nieuw hoofdstuk in de 5.000 jaar oude geschiedenis van China.

Hoe delen de Chinezen hun geschiedenis in?

Ook zij verdeelden de geschiedenis in dynastieke periodes, die begon met de ‘Gouden Periode’ van de drie dynastieën Xia, Shang en Zhou. Daarentegen begonnen Japanse historici vanaf de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw de Chinese geschiedenis in te delen op basis van specifiek bepaalde verschijnselen: Op basis van cultuur.

What is the Shang dynasty?

The Shang dynasty is the second in the long list of dynasties that ruled China. They succeeded the Xia and preceded the Zhou. The Shang ruled the middle and lower basin of the Yellow River from 1766 B.C. to 1047 B.C.

What was animal husbandry like in the Shang dynasty?

Animal husbandry had a long history already in Shang times. In the late Shang period, the number of cattle and sheep used in a single sacrifice might be 300400, sometimes up to a thousand. The oracle bone inscriptions many times mention hunting, e.g., in one hunting trip 384 deer were captured, and hunting was common for quite a long period.

How did the Shang dynasty get discovered?

Like the Xia, the Shang were originally considered to be a myth. They were discovered because Chinese pharmacists were selling oracle bones the Shang had created; the pharmacists sold the bones as dragon bones. The bones were first noticed in 1899 and by the 1920’s were traced to Anyang, where the last Shang capital was found and excavated.

Did the Shang dynasty make human sacrifices?

As terrifying as it is to us today, yes, the Shang made human sacrifices. These were done mainly for two reasons; to honor ancestors and gods, or by killing the slaves of a great nobleman when he died (to accompany him to the hereafter).

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