Is Jeanine from Divergent Divergent?

Is Jeanine from Divergent Divergent?

Jeanine Matthews appears in Divergent and Insurgent, serving as the main antagonist in both novels. She was born in, and chose, Erudite as her faction.

Is Jeanine good in Divergent?

She is the main antagonist in Divergent and Insurgent, and the ringleader behind the Erudite-Dauntless alliance against the Abnegation. She is one of the overall primary antagonists (alongside David) of the Divergent Series. She was killed by Tori Wu in the book and Evelyn Johnson-Eaton in the film.

What is Jeanine Matthews goal in Divergent?

To accomplish her goals, Jeanine methodically plans for war. She injects Dauntless members with a serum that will make them answer only to Erudite leaders. Then, with the help of compromised Dauntless leaders, she singles out divergents for execution.

Is four not Divergent?

No, Four is not divergent. In the books Four initially appears to be Divergent since he resists the mind control serum and can remain aware during simulations, but he is actually genetically damaged and therefore is not Divergent.

Does Jeanine know Tris is Divergent?

Jeanine, although seemed to have noticed this earlier, found out near the end when Dauntless soldiers brought Tris to her office after finding out that she was a divergent.

What is Jeanine Matthews IQ?

Ask for Jeanine, her IQ likely falls into 140-160 category or very high, almost genius intelligence.

Is Peter Hayes Divergent?

This article contains major spoilers. Reader discretion is advised. Peter Hayes is a central antagonist in Divergent, who was originally from Candor and is one of Tris Prior’s mortal enemies. Throughout the course of the first novel, Peter is shown to be cruel, antagonistic, ill-tempered and easily jealous.

Is Tris’s mum Divergent?

In Allegiant, Tris discovers that her mother is actually Pure (Divergent, which means that they are normal people like us, without genes that were modified) and comes from Milwaukee and not from Chicago (where Tris lived most of her life).

Why did Tris choose Dauntless?

Tris needed to go to Dauntless. Like she says in the book, she needed to realize that being brave and being selfless were the same thing. Her going to Dauntless helped herself develop into the character I loved. dauntless.

Who is Marlene Divergent?

​​​​Marlene was a Dauntless-born initiate. She befriends Tris Prior in Divergent but plays a more important role in Insurgent. She gets a muffin shot off her head in Divergent, the book. She dies by jumping off a balcony as a result of Jeanine’s mind control in Insurgent.

Who is Molly in Divergent?

Molly Atwood is one of Peter Hayes’s lackeys along with Drew. All three of them come from Candor. She was Tris Prior’s enemy during the Dauntless initiates and she tends to mock her and her friends whenever she has the opportunity.

Is Tris’s mom Divergent?

Who is Jeanine Matthews in divergent?

She is one of the overall primary antagonists (alongside David) of the Divergent Series. She was killed by Tori Wu in the book and Evelyn Johnson-Eaton in the film. Jeanine Matthews is the Erudite faction representative. She releases many propagandic articles about Abnegation in order to smear bad faith towards the faction.

Why is Jeanine the leader of the erudite?

” — Jeanine Jeanine Matthews is the leader of the faction Erudite solely because of her IQ score. She is the main antagonist in Divergent and Insurgent, and the ringleader behind the Erudite/ Dauntless alliance against the Abnegation.

What experiments does Jeanine perform on Tris in divergent?

By blackmailing Tris, she is able to perform genetic experiments on her in order to find a serum that works on the Divergent. Jeanine creates simulations and scans Tris’ brain.

Who is the antagonist in the Divergent Series?

The future belongs to those who know where they belong. Jeanine Matthews is the main antagonist of the Divergent trilogy, serving as the main antagonist in Divergent and Insurgent, and the posthumous overarching antagonist in Allegiant .

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