Wat is een R rating?

Wat is een R rating?

R staat voor Restricted. Personen onder de 17 mogen alleen onder begeleiding van een volwassene kijken.

What is a Dubbel beer taste like?

Belgian Dubbel. The Belgian Dubbel is a rich, malty beer with some spicy or phenolic and mild alcoholic characteristics. Not as much fruitiness as a Belgian Strong Dark Ale, but some dark fruit aromas and flavors may be present.

What is a Belgian Dubbel?

The Belgian Dubbel is a rich, malty beer with some spicy or phenolic and mild alcoholic characteristics.

How do I know if my Dubbel is caramel?

A Dubbel is also likely show signs of a sweeter caramel flavor from the use of crystal malt or dark candi sugar. Look for a medium to full body with an expressive carbonation and some dryness in the finish.

Wat betekent PG Rated?

PG – Parental guidance suggested (some material may not be suitable for children) Met het PG advies raadt de MPAA ouders aan om de film eerst de beoordelen voor hem aan hun kinderen te tonen. Sommige beelden zouden niet geschikt kunnen zijn. Geweld en naaktheid kunnen kort voorkomen, drugs niet.

What does an R rating mean?

An R rating constitutes a strong warning toward parents to investigate the content of a movie more thoroughly before they take their children to see them. Most R rated movies are considered to be too adult oriented for the average minor to view.

Why are most R rated movies considered too adult?

Most R rated movies are considered to be too adult oriented for the average minor to view. R rated movies, as well as PG-13 rated movies usually contain a brief description of why they are given the rating they are. A typical listing would look something like this: Rated R for pervasive graphic violence, brief nudity, and some strong language.

What does R-rated mean in movies?

Definition of R-rated US, of a movie : not suitable to be seen by children because of violence, offensive language, or sexual activity an R-rated movie —often used figuratively an R-rated joke Learn More About R-rated

Is the R rating legally enforced in the US?

The R rating is partially legally enforced under United States federal and state laws. The age restriction is mandatory. It is an offense to allow unaccompanied minors to watch an R-rated film in a cinema.


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