Welk jaar was de Renaissance?
Het was in de late middeleeuwen tijd geworden voor een nieuwe manier van denken over wetenschap en kunstvormen. In die periode, omstreeks 1400, begint de kunst van de renaissance op te komen. Een eeuw later komt de renaissancestijl kortstondig tot bloei tijdens de hoogrenaissance (ca. 1500-1520).
Why did Europe experience a Renaissance?
Renaissance, (French: “Rebirth”) period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages and conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in Classical scholarship and values. The Renaissance also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the substitution of the Copernican for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, the decline of the
Why was the Renaissance an exciting time in Europe?
The Renaissance was extremely important as it laid the foundation for the age of exploration and eventual European global domination. The rebirth of European interest in art, exploration, and technology came at the best possible time in history. Many people don’t realize this but for most of history, Europe was not a dominant global power.
What are 5 facts about the Renaissance?
Renaissance was marked by renewed interest in ancient Greco-Roman culture.
How did the Renaissance change Europe and the world?
The renaissance impacted our world because it started new techniques for creating paintings, art was starting to spread to northern Europe, a new church was created, and the reformation of the cathilic church. The church’s went through big changes in the Renaissance time period. Some of these changes were the reformation of the catholic church