Hoe werkt Pool Power shock?

Hoe werkt Pool Power shock?

Shock behandeling voor zwembad en spa water. Dit pool Power shock is een snel oplossend desinfectiemiddel in korrelvorm, toe te passen bij het opstarten en om acute problemen zoals chloorlucht, troebel of glibberig aanvoelend water direct aan te pakken of als extra chloordosering.

Hoeveel Mini tabs in zwembad?

De Mini Quick tabletjes kunnen ook in een doseerdrijver gedaan worden. Zwembad met filtersysteem: Pool Power mini langzaam oplossende desinfectietabletten van 20 gram die zorgen voor een continue desinfectie. Het benodigde aantal tabletten via de skimmer doseren. 1 tablet per 2.500 liter.

What is pool shock and what does it do?

You might be surprised to learn that pool shock is really just an ultra-high dose of pool sanitizer. You can buy pool shock at any pool supply store, and you can choose between a chlorine or a non-chlorine treatment. What does pool shock do? Adding pool shock to your pool is kind of like power-washing your swimming pool water.

Can you buy Pool shock at the store?

You can buy pool shock at any pool supply store, and you can choose between a chlorine or a non-chlorine treatment. What does pool shock do? Adding pool shock to your pool is kind of like power-washing your swimming pool water.

When should I Shock my Pool?

In general, you should shock your pool when: Algae begins to grow in your pool. The free chlorine level of your pool measures zero. The chloramines or combined chlorine level rises above 0.5 parts per million (ppm). As you learn how to shock a pool, it’s vital to understand the difference between the types of chlorine .

What is the active ingredient in pool shock?

Most pool shock is composed of some form of chlorine. To understand exactly how pool shock works, you have to understand your chlorine levels and shocking your pool. So, what is the active ingredient in pool shock? Well, most often, it is chlorine itself.

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