Waar ging Abel Tasman naar toe?

Waar ging Abel Tasman naar toe?

De Nederlandse zeevaarder Abel Tasman was in dienst van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC). Hij is met name beroemd door het in kaart brengen van (delen van) Australië, Nieuw Zeeland, de Fiji-eilanden en het, naar hem vernoemde, Tasmanië.

Welk land heeft Abel Tasman ontdekt?

Abel J. Tasman is vooral bekend geworden door de lange ontdekkingsreis van 1642/1643 waarbij Tasmanië en Nieuw-Zeeland werden ontdekt. In 1642 kreeg Abel Tasman de opdracht van de VOC een goede en veilige vaarroute naar Zuid-Amerika te vinden.

Where did Abel Tasman go to school?

What school did Abel Tasman go to? Seafarer, explorer and merchant Abel Janszoon Tasman was the first European to discover Tasmania and confirm Australia as an island continent. Born in the Netherlands around 1602, he was raised and educated in Lutjegast, Gronigen.

When did Abel Tasman die?

(Show more) Abel Tasman, in full Abel Janszoon Tasman, (born 1603?, Lutjegast, Netherlands—died probably before October 22, 1659; certainly before February 5, 1661), greatest of the Dutch navigators and explorers, who was the first European to sight Tasmania, New Zealand, Tonga, and the Fiji Islands.

What did Abel Tasman discover in New Zealand?

New Zealand: Discovery. …Zealand was a Dutch sailor, Abel Janszoon Tasman, who sighted the coast of Westland (northwestern South Island) in December 1642. His sole attempt to land brought only a clash with a South Island tribe during which several of his men were killed. After his voyage the western coast of New….

Where did Abel Tasman meet the Polynesians?

Tasman, Abel: arriving at TongaThe ships of Abel Tasman’s expedition meeting Polynesian outrigger canoes off the coast of Tongatapu Island, Tonga, 1643.The Granger Collection, New York.

Who was Abel Tasman?

Abel Tasman was the first European explorer to reach the islands of Van Diemen”s Land (now Tasmania) and New Zealand. In 1642 the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Anthony Van Diemen sent Tasman on an expedition to explore and map out New Holland, where a lot of Dutch ships had become shipwrecked due to the Roaring Forties winds.

What countries did Abel Tasman discover?

In 1642 Abel Janszoon Tasman, sailing from Batavia (now Jakarta), the Dutch headquarters in the East Indies, saw New Zealand, Tasmania, Tonga, some of the Fiji Islands, and New Britain. The Dutch were primarily interested in commerce; they found none.

Where is Abel Tasman’s Island now?

His discoveries are still honored today as the island of Tasmania and several spots, such as Abel Tasman National Park in New Zealand, continue to bear his name. James Backhouse Walker, Abel Janszoon Tasman: His Life and Voyages (Tasmania: Government Printer South Africa, 1896), 8

Where is the Journal of Abel Tasman’s 1642 voyage?

The journal signed by Abel Tasman of the 1642 voyage is held at the Dutch National Archives at The Hague. Tasman’s ten-month voyage in 1642–43 had significant consequences.

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