Hoe heet de aap in Daktari?

Hoe heet de aap in Daktari?

Clarence de leeuw en Judy de chimpansee waren hun twee huisdieren. Judy reed vaak mee op de rug van de zachtaardige Clarence. De zachtaardigheid van de leeuw is soms hilarisch: in een aflevering van Daktari broedt Clarence zelfs een keer een nest struisvogeleieren uit.

Hoe heet de schele leeuw?

Beschrijving. Clarence is de naam van de leeuw die een hoofdrol speelt in de MGM film Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion uit 1965. De schele leeuw Clarence kijgt daarna een vaste plaats in de televisieserie Daktari welke wordt uitgezonden van 1966 tot 1969.

Wat is Daktari?

Daktari is een televisieserie uit de 60’er jaren over een dierenarts genaamd Dr. Marsh Tracy, zijn dochter Paula en zijn staf gesitueerd in het natuurpark Wameru Study Center for Animal Behaviour in Oost-Afrika. Daktari betekent ‘dokter’ in het Swahili.

What does Daktari stand for?

Daktari ( Swahili for “doctor”) is an American family drama series that aired on CBS between 1966 and 1969. The series is an Ivan Tors Films Production in association with MGM Television starring Marshall Thompson as Dr. Marsh Tracy, a veterinarian at the fictional Wameru Study Centre for Animal Behaviour in East Africa .

What is the name of the doctor in Dr Daktari?

Daktari (Swahili for “doctor”) is an American family drama series that aired on CBS between 1966 and 1969. The series is an Ivan Tors Films Production in association with MGM Television starring Marshall Thompson as Dr. Marsh Tracy, a veterinarian at the fictional Wameru Study Centre for Animal Behaviour in East Africa.

Who is Daktari in Animal Farm?

The concept was developed by producer Ivan Tors, inspired by the work of Dr. Antonie Marinus Harthoorn and his wife Sue at their animal orphanage in Nairobi. Dr. Harthoorn helped invent the capture gun, and was a tireless campaigner for animal rights. He was known as Daktari by the local Swahili people.

What are the names of the animals in Daktari?

Concept. The show follows the work of Dr. Tracy, his daughter Paula ( Cheryl Miller ), and his staff, who frequently protect animals from poachers and local officials. Tracy’s pets, a cross-eyed lion named Clarence and a chimpanzee named Judy, were also popular characters. Daktari was based upon the 1965 film Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion,…

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