Welke maatregel werd er genomen om de afbraak van ozon tegen te gaan?

Welke maatregel werd er genomen om de afbraak van ozon tegen te gaan?

Op 1 januari 1989 werd het Montrealprotocol van kracht dat het gebruik van ozonafbrekende stoffen wereldwijd aan banden moet leggen.

Welke rol speelt UV straling in de vorming en afbraak van ozon?

Ozon wordt gevormd wanneer de energie van ultraviolette straling (uv-straling) groot genoeg is om de moleculen van gewone zuurstof (O2) in afzonderlijke zuurstofatomen (O) te splitsen. Vrije zuurstofatomen kunnen terug recombineren tot gewone zuurstofmoleculen (O2).

Waar bestaat ozonlaag uit?

Met de ozonlaag bedoelen we de laag in de atmosfeer die uit ozon bestaat en de aarde als een schild beschermt tegen de gevaarlijke ultraviolette straling van de zon.

Do filters with activated carbon remove ozone?

Filters containing 300 g of activated carbon per 0.09 m2 of filter face area were installed in two ‘experimental’ filter banks within an office building located in Sacramento, CA. The ozone removal performance of the filters was assessed through periodic measurements of ozone concentrations in the air upstream and downstream of the filters.

What are the absorption bands of ozone in the stratosphere?

The oposite happen in the stratosphere, where it probably absorbs more energy in the UV bands. UV absorption bands are the most known for Ozone, but as I said it has infrared absorption bands too. You can see those bands in the following infrared spectrum obtained from NIST:

How do you measure ozone removal from air filters?

The ozone removal performance of the filters was assessed through periodic measurements of ozone concentrations in the air upstream and downstream of the filters. Ozone concentrations were also measured upstream and downstream of a ‘reference’ filter bank containing filters without any activated carbon.

Does ozone absorb more energy in the infrared or ultraviolet?

Therefore, ozone might absorb more energy in the infrared. The oposite happen in the stratosphere, where it probably absorbs more energy in the UV bands. UV absorption bands are the most known for Ozone, but as I said it has infrared absorption bands too.

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