Waar in de VS ligt Tornado Alley?

Waar in de VS ligt Tornado Alley?

Vooral de Tornado Alley, van midden-Texas tot het oosten van Nebraska en Iowa heeft last van tornado’s. Voornamelijk in april, mei en juni. Vochtige warme lucht stroomt vanuit de Golf van Mexico noordwaarts en komt in Tornado Alley in aanraking met droge woestijnlucht uit Mexico en koude lucht uit Canada.

Waarom wordt de strook land in de Verenigde Staten die van Texas naar Nebraska loopt Tornado Alley genoemd?

Tornado Alley is de benaming voor een gebied in centraal Noord-Amerika waar relatief veel tornado’s voorkomen, gemiddeld zo’n duizend per jaar. De meeste zijn niet sterk, maar sommige wel.

What time of day do tornadoes occur in Texas?

Tornadoes occur with greatest frequency in the Red River Valley of North Texas. Tornadoes may occur in any month and at any hour of the day, but they occur with greatest frequency during the late spring and early summer months, and between the hours of 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

What is the deadliest tornado in Texas history?

NUMBER ONE – THE WACO TORNADO – MAY 11, 1953 The deadliest tornado in Texas history struck shortly after 4 pm on the day after Mother’s Day in 1953. It touched down north of the town of Lorena and began moving North-Northeast toward Waco. On a radar screen at Texas A&M University, the tornadic storm developed a hook shaped echo.

What was the size of the Waco tornado?

On a radar screen at Texas A&M University, the tornadic storm developed a hook shaped echo. Nearly 1/3 of a mile wide, the massive F5 tornado crossed Waco on a path that ran almost south to north, killing 114 persons and injuring 597.

Should you stay away from a tornado in Texas?

For the majority of people, it’s a reason to stay away, but a great experience for the thrill seekers​ Something wrong? Tornadoes occur with greatest frequency in the Red River Valley of North Texas.

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