Hoe belangrijk is de olie-industrie voor Nigeria?

Hoe belangrijk is de olie-industrie voor Nigeria?

Aardolie is het belangrijkste exportproduct van Nigeria. In 2013 werd voor bijna 80 miljard euro aan olie geëxporteerd. Voor de Nigeriaanse regering zijn de olie-inkomsten onmis- baar: ongeveer 70 procent van de inkomsten komt uit de olie-industrie.

Wat het belang van de olie industrie in Nigeria is voor het bnp de export en de overheidsinkomsten?

Normaal zijn de olie-inkomsten goed voor de helft van de totale overheidsinkomsten van Nigeria, dat ondanks zijn olierijkdom tot de 76 armste landen van de wereld behoort.

Who owns the fastest growing businesses in Nigeria?

Most of the current fastest growing businesses and companies in Nigeria are owned by the foreigners. We want the equation to change, go through the infograph below, see why Nigeria is the Africa’s testing ground for business and begin to take the opportunity.

How to start a small business in Nigeria?

The most successful small business ideas in Nigeria come from people who work for someone and they believe they can do better. Some other businesses can start as employees or trainees, and then gradually build skills and experience before hitting a business opportunity in Nigeria.

What are the most lucrative business ideas in Nigeria?

For beginners with the right skill set, but without a lot of capital and business experience, here is a list of business ideas in Nigeria, I mean a lucrative business in Nigeria. 50 to be exact. The love for football in Nigeria is overwhelming, hence football viewing centres have become a lucrative business in Nigeria today.

Is agribusiness the future of Nigeria’s economy?

Nigerians both home and oversea are beginning to wake up to the huge potentials in Agribusiness, a sector we have been neglecting over the years due to the discovery of oil. Now that the oil is drying up, people are beginning to look into other sectors of the economy to create wealth.

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